Terms and conditions

Avis Chauffeur offers a complete ground transportation management service. Vehicles with chauffeur for public and private administrations, transport solutions with chauffeur for companies or renting cars with chauffeur for private individuals. Our rigorously customer-oriented approach is implemented in the field by qualified drivers equipped with Grande Remise permits, all engaged in a policy of welcoming and accompanying your journeys "Zero Defect".

Available 24/7, our teams are operational in all the big cities of France and Europe to offer you the possibility of immediate national and international reservations (33 (0) 1 45 54 33 65).

Avis Chauffeur thus has the best assets to bring concrete solutions to your problems of logistics and transport of people in France, in Europe and in the world

Legals avis chaufeur

Avis Chauffeur

105, rue de Lourmel 75015 Paris
313242109 R.C.S. Paris
Public limited company with a capital of 228,750.00 Euros
Publication director: Eric Mareau
Amendments: chauffeur(AT)avischauffeur.com
105, rue de Lourmel 75015 Paris
FR 39 313 242 109 000 20 – APE 602E
Licence de Grande Remise (high-level public carriage licence) n°61
Préfecture de Police de Paris

Luxury tourism coaches

105, rue de Lourmel 75015 Paris
324181304 R.C.S. Paris
Public limited company with a capital of 168.000,00 Euros
Publication director: Eric Mareau
Amendments: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
105, rue de Lourmel 75015 Paris
FR 39 324 181 304 000 27 – APE 602G – RCS Paris
Company listed on the Company Register
for Public Road Transport N°324181304

I.T. and Freedoms

You have the right to access, amend, correct and erase any data about yourself (art. 34 of the law on Information and Freedoms of 6 January 1978).


For the internet, Avis Chauffeur is not liable for the content or access conditions of the links towards other sites which are given for information only.


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The reproduction of all or part of the site, in any form, is strictly prohibited without the explicit authorisation of the publication manager. Documents can only be copied for information and personal use.
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website creation

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